ForCES featured in 3D CAD WORLD

March 2017

Thanks to the 3D CAD WORLD publishers and our multiphysiscs cloud simulation partners COMSOL, Inc. and TheUberCloud , our cloud-based simulation app story was published after our Fragrance Extraction Case Study presented at the COMSOL Conference 2016 in Munich was spotted by Bruce Jenkins from Ora Research.

Surface temperature evolution in water jacket :

Surface Temperature Animation

ForCES SAS is born!

April 2016

New ForCES at work in Paris... and beyond !

In 2016, Paris is recovering and throwing all its forces at solving today's and tomorrow's problems:

so are we...


ForCES is an international training, consulting, computing and expertise company
with primary focus in science & technology, energy, environment and sustainable development.

Our ForCES at your service !

We help organizations and business ride the next innovation waves and withstand system-wide crises :
  1. training and consulting (methodologies and tools)
  2. research
  3. innovation
  4. applied mathematics and physics modelling
  5. numerical simulation
  6. resilience and adaptation, monitoring and evaluation
  7. scientific publishing
  8. science and environment alerts, crisis management
Tool set: CORE SEP, Python, COMSOL, Star-CCM+, HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Linux, AWS

For more information, please send your requests to: contact[at]ForCES.Paris

ForCES : Formation, Conseil, Énergie et climat, Science

engineering and evaluation, science and technology, environnement, climate and energy

ForCES SAS - société au capital de 500 euros - RCS Paris 819 722 778
22 rue Myrha - 75018 Paris - FRANCE
President: Stephan Savarese